Abell 21

 Located in Monoceros. Presented in HaOIIILRGB palette. Taken with FS 128, ATIK 6.0 ONE on ASA DDM 60. February 2021.

Abell 31

 Dim planetary nebula in Bootes. Presented in bicolour with RGB stars. Taken with Takahashi FS 128, ATIK ONE 6.0 on ASA DDM 60 mount. April 2020.

Abell 33 Diamond Ring

Perfectly round planetary nebula with "diamond ring" effect in Hydra. Taken with FS 128, ATIK One 6.0 on ASA DDM 60. March 2024


Abell 39

Round shaped planetary nebula in Hercules. Taken with FS 128, ATIK One 6.0 on ASA DDM 60 mount. May 2020.

Abell 61

The goal I set when working on this image was to show the internal structures of the nebula that are clearly visible in the Ha band. LRGB +Ha+OIII combination.  Taken with Takahashi FS 128, Atik One 6.0 on ASA DDM 60. June 2020

Abell 71

Small nebula in central Cygnus. Taken with Takahashi FS 128, ATIK ONE 6.0 on ASA DDM 60 mount. August 2021.

Abell 74

 Ancient planetary nebula in Vulpecula. Presented in Ha OIII LRGB combination. Taken with Officina Stellare Veloce RH200, ATIK One 6.0 on ASA DDM 60 mount. August 2020.

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