The Van den Bergh reflection nebulae catalog contains 159 objects. The catalog was published in 1966 by Sidney van den Bergh.
I am imaging these fascinating nebulae in the course of last few years.
Here you will find photographic stories of my business trips and holiday travels. They don’t show and don’t describe all that I saw, but show interesting places or such that I have a special fondnes
My first real set for astrophotography (2008-2011) Astrograph: Takahashi FSQ 106N Camera: SBIG ST-2000 XM Guider: SkyWatcher 80/400 with SBIG Remote Guide Head Filter wheel SBIG CFW-10 with set of filters: LRGB, Ha, SII, OIII by Baader Planetarium, plus Pro Planet 742 for planetary photography. Mount: HEQ 5 Pro SynScan. |